Android News; The Reason Why Google Wallet is Blocked By Verizon on Galaxy Nexus

We've heard rumors about Verizon blocking Google Wallet on Galaxy Nexus a while ago, and although this is as anti-competitive as it gets, especially after the new open spectrum and net neutrality rules that helped push Google, they succeed in this from it by having the Google app not available in the first place. If the app is not available, meaning that they off the hook.

There are two reasons why they would want to do. The first is the most shameless one, and it's because they want their upcoming mobile payment app Isis, which is a competitor for Google Wallet, the defacto payment app for their Android handsets. Knowing carriers, they will try very hard to realize this because they know there is big money to be payment transaction.

I do not really have a problem with this per se, but I do have a problem when they are basically forcing their only competition in this market, which is why I do not think this would be too long. Worst case scenario, the FCC will intervene. I do not like the trend of Google making too many concessions to Verizon, though. But maybe they are not accepted for Google Wallet is available now, and in turn allow users to get bloatware finally off on their phones (although not remove, too).

The second option would be a real technical that Verizon has stated in their PR:

 “Recent reports that Verizon is blocking Google Wallet on our devices are false. Verizon does not block applications.
    Google Wallet is different from other widely-available m-commerce services. Google Wallet does not simply access the operating system and basic hardware of our phones like thousands of other applications. Instead, in order to work as architected by Google, Google Wallet needs to be integrated into a new, secure and proprietary hardware element in our phones.
    We are continuing our commercial discussions with Google on this issue.”

I would not be the first to rely on Verizon, but Verizon may be blocking Google Wallet is not necessarily because of their upcoming app Isis, but because they want to close in (as usual) with another type of NFC chip. The Nexus that works on GSM networks, the NFC chip in the battery, and Verizon would like the NFC chip in the SIM card.

Why the two approaches still exist? Normally I would be tempted to SIM-based NFC favor because it means you are able to replace your battery in the future. I suspect that the reason why Google chose to the NFC chip embedded in the battery to be used was because they want you to be able to replace the carriers, especially when it comes to the GSM version. Until all mobile carriers use their NFC SIM cards, you can not use NFC as your provider, so for now NFC embedded in the battery, the best solution.

As for Google Wallet on Nexus, I hope it will soon be allowed to Verizon as soon as they get their SIM-based NFC chip is ready.

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